Develop Your Assertiveness

UTAP Course Code


Support Period:
25 July 2024 to 31 March 2027


Marina Square or Similar


9am to 5pm
1 day (7 hours)

Learner must achieve at least 75% course attendance



Who should attend

This programme is for everyone who wants to develop their assertive skills to maximise results and achieve business success.

Minimum Entry Requirements

– No prior experience or knowledge required
– Secondary school level onwards
– Be able to speak, listen, read and write English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills Workforce Skills Qualification (ES WSQ) Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 4


This is a highly interactive workshop with mini-lectures, small group discussions, presentations, workplace activities and video-clips. Participants are expected to contribute actively to achieve maximum learning impact.

Certification Obtained

Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon at least 75% attendance.

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