Professional and Effective Presentations

UTAP Course Code


Support Period:
25 July 2024 to 31 March 2027


Marina Square or Similar


9am to 5pm
2 days (14 hours)

Learner must achieve at least 75% course attendance



Who should attend

Leaders, managers, team leaders and executives

Minimum Entry Requirements

– No prior experience or knowledge required
– Secondary school level onwards
– Be able to speak, listen, read and write English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills Workforce Skills Qualification (ES WSQ) Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 4


To ensure effective transfer of learning, the programme is competency based leveraging on: 1. Self-discovery and critique 2. Group exploration and facilitator led discussions 3. Engaging activities and practical exercises 4. Best practice theory exploration

Certification Obtained

Certificate of Attendance will be issued upon at least 75% attendance.

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